By learning how to prepare the typical food of this land, old recipes combined with modern cuisine! We organise especially tailored cooking classes, that will pass down the secrets of plates of unique taste and preparation. The cooking classes can be held either in locations we suggest or directly at your home.

Tuscan cooking class in Chianti Classico at Radda in Chianti

The Tuscan Cooking Classes in Chianti

The cooking class duirng 3-4 hours, and three to four dishes are prepared from those menù listed below (an appetizer or first course, a main course with a side dish and, dessert).

Course ends with lunch or dinner served with the dishes we have prepared accompanied by the best Chianti’s wine and other Tuscan wine you can choose.

– Tuscan Bread with sauce – Crostini Toscani

– Ricotta and spinach Ravioli with tomato and fresh basil

– Tiramisù (cake)

– Tuscan garlic bread “Bruschetta”

– Pork with prunes

– Tuscan style Beans with tomato sauce

– Tuscan tomato mush

– Wild Boar with a chocolate, pine nuts and raisin sauce

– Marinated zucchini

– Potato dumplings with pesto sauce

– Peppery Chianina beef stew

– “Cantucci” biscuit with almonds

– Milk bread

– Bread sticks

– Focaccia bread

– Pizza

– Pici tirati a mano con le briciole

– Spezzatino di Chianina al Chianti Classico

– Erbe saltate in padella con pinoli e uvetta

– Handmade Pici (thick spaghetti) with “crumbs”

– Chianina beef stew with Chianti Classic wine

– Savory greens cooked with pine nuts and raisin

– Traditional Tuscan Bread salad

– Egg Spaghetti with fresh tomato and basilico

– Stuffed baked Zucchini

– Siena’s typical biscuit

cooking class in chianti fresh handmade pasta in tuscany
Our cooks made fresh pasta